Cause and effect? Probably. WebMD hasn’t made any significant changes in years, and then comes along Revolution Health who launched their beta over 3 months ago and has made a significant number of changes in the meantime. Most notable for Revolution Health’s website is their combination of social media and valuable health information. Revolution Health is also a leader in the development world when it comes to Ruby on Rails. If you take a look at some of the videos featured on their blog, there are some pretty slick features that have been added. Drag and drop capabilities have been added for placing custom modules on the homepage as well as your own custom health pages. Revolution is positioned to go head on with WebMD, and at the current rate they will surely end up the victor unless WebMD rapidly adopts a new strategy. While it is an exciting time for the health care industry on the web, The New York Times highlights that it will take years for Revolution to become the dominant brand in the industry.